Tuesday, March 15, 2011

a trike and a puddle

a trike and a puddle...

5°C is warm enough to melt a bit of the never ending snow around here.

a trike and a puddle...

All it takes is a trike and a puddle to make this little girl exceptionally happy!

a trike and a puddle...

I'm thankful for my little purse camera to capture precious moments like these.

a trike and a puddle...

Lilah's quote of the day: "Can I throw a snowball at the ducks?" Ehh, NO!

a trike and a puddle...

[ the flickr set is here ]


  1. SaaaWeeeeT! Gotta love puddles!

  2. I have a big puddle fan, too! Lilah looks like she's having a great time. I'm glad your getting to enjoy a bit of a warm up. That's aLOT of melting you've got going on there!

    Gin =)

  3. Goodness..look at those puddles! What fun...hope you got your wellies on and in jumped in with her! LOL Dx

  4. That is so funny that she wanted to throw a snow ball at the ducks. My boys would have asked that too!!! That is some puddle!

  5. LOVE spring! Hate the wet mud. But it is always so great to get out after the long winter. Enjoy those puddles.

  6. +5 certainly is perfect weather for triking! When it hits +5 here, we quite often see people in shorts and flip flops! Crazy I know! Soon your puddles will dry and it will truly look like spring!:)


  7. We are anxiously awaiting spring so that we can go splashing! Lilah looks like she is having a blast. Such cute pics.
