Saturday, September 25, 2010

fun at the carp fair

We spent a few hours at the Carp Fair today.

It's the last country fair of the year and we managed to get it squeezed into our schedule. We normally go to the Perth Fair which is a few weeks earlier, but it didn't work out this year because of our house renovations. And if I remember correctly the weather wasn't brilliant that Saturday either. There was a pretty big black cloud today too, but thankfully it didn't come to anything.

From the moment we arrived Lilah wanted to go on the ferris wheel. She talked and talked and talked about it, and quite frankly I thought it was just a little idea she had in her head and was kinda hoping that it would disappear. But it didn't. And guess who got the pleasure of joining her on the ferris wheel? Yes, me. Have I mentioned before that heights are not my thing? Lilah, on the other hand, hasn't got the sense to be afraid and our little face-painted-pussy-cat squealed with glee. It was fun to see her reaction, even though I am normally more of a carousel or bouncy castle kind of Mama! Baba joined her for some more fun in the bumping cars and afterwards told me (with disgust) that they were SO slow. I'm not sure what he was expecting? I guess it's been a while since he's been in a bumping car, and when your 8 or 10 years old they probably do feel speedier than when you're, err, 30? Ahem! Or something close to that!

What a fun day we had.


  1. Such great photos! Love the first one, she is so full of joy.

    There is nothing quite as whimsical as a fair. Great way to spend a Saturday.

  2. Looks like she had a great time. These photos are great! I love the one of her asleep in the car. She's an awfully brave three year old to ride that big ferris wheel. She seems to like to get her face painted at any opportunity, I've noticed. I'm impressed, I don't think that's something Kerry would consent to, or sit still nicely enough for them to do right.

    Gin =)

    Gin =)

  3. I can just imagine your Lilah loving Ferris Wheels! me too :), my hubby not so much!

    What a cute little pussy cat you have! I love the collage, I need to make more of those!

    Have a wonderful week :)
