Thursday, September 23, 2010

petrie island beach

petrie island
Tuesday past was a pretty yucky day. It rained a good part of the morning and finally around 11am I decided, let's just do what we'd planned and go apple picking. So we put on some warm clothes and welly boots and headed to the Orleans Fruit Farm - just about a 15 minute drive away.

When I pulled into the parking lot the first sign I saw was: 'Pick Your Own Apples. Weekends Only'. And when I enquired, the girl at the checkout broke the news to us that all the apples had been picked the previous weekend and in fact, the trees were bare. We bought a bag of apples, cherry tomatoes and new potatoes and headed back to the car.

To avoid disappointing the youngest member of our family and just driving back home, I came up with a quick plan that we could take a little drive to Petrie Island beach. We've never been there before and the beaches in the city are obviously closed for the season, but since Lilah had her welly boots on I thought she could splash around and have a bit of fun.

And fun she did have!


  1. Now I'm the one that's jealous. I'm ready for more fall-ish weather and fall clothes. I love Lilahs outfit and hat. It's been in the upper 90's fahrenheit here, still, way too warm for anything but shorts or sundresses.

    You seem to have so many amazing an beautiful places to explore nearby.

    Gin =)

  2. Now I'm the one that's jealous. I'm ready for more fall-ish weather and fall clothes. I love Lilahs outfit and hat. It's been in the upper 90's fahrenheit here, still, way too warm for anything but shorts or sundresses.

    You seem to have so many amazing an beautiful places to explore nearby.

    Gin =)

  3. Looks like you made the most of the yucky day :) Such fun boots!

  4. these are lovely. the color just screams FALL! Nothing more fun (or cuter) than a beautiful girl splashing around in a cute pair of wellies :)

  5. i love these shots

    you are such an amazing photgrapher and your subject

    well she takes my breath away
