Friday, November 26, 2010

enjoying the snow!

the joy in snow
I have decided, that you have to be a child to appreciate and enjoy snow!

the joy in snow
Whoever invented these pint sized snow shovels, is genius.

the joy in snow
Ours came from the dollar store.

the joy in snow
Hmm, and these, should be in the garden shed, by this stage in the season.

the joy in snow
In case it's not obvious, she's in her absolute glory.

the joy in snow
And has no idea why her parents complain so much about this white stuff.

the joy in snow
She eats these. I know. Gross. You wouldn't think we still have a freezer full of summer ice-pops.

the joy in snow
I guess I shouldn't let her eat them, but then again, who am I to steal her fun.

the joy in snow
And that cute little pink nose. I love it. I love her.


  1. Oh if only she could shovel the entire driveway! I remember loving the snow at one time too... and I still love it... from inside!

  2. I agree, only little ones can enjoy and appreciate all this snow!

    Thank you for all your thoughtful and understanding comments on our blog. They were very much appreciated!

  3. I agree as well. My girls love the winter, especially Avery the girl born in Southern China. She asked me all summer when it was going to be snow time again.
    Lilah looks so cute outside in the snow.

  4. My kids are the same way - they don't seem to feel the cold the way I do!

    Good thing you have a great little snow-shoveller in Lilah!

    Very cool perspective on the icicle shot - I love that one!

  5. SNOW is every childs happiness. love the all the beautiful pictures along with a beautiful subject. I can't believe you already have snow.

  6. You know as long as its not too cold the snow isn't so bad! I was just out shovelling with the kids and we had a blast! It looks like Lilah is a great helper! I love the picture with icicle and lilah in the back :)

    Have fun Lilah!


  7. Gorgeous photos -- they're all gorgeous -- but where did you get her purple hat? Looks like something I'd like to knit but haven't seen a pattern for one like that.
