Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ireland: smitten with the farm animals

Pa & Na have a farm, a dairy farm. Well I should say, Na is a nurse and has been for many years, at a local doctors clinic, but technically she has been retired for a couple of years now, even though they call her now and again if a staff member is sick or needs the day off. Retired is a redundant term to use on Na though, she literally never stops. She helps milk the cows, can whip up a fine dinner, plods away at the crazy amount of bookkeeping it takes to run a farm, educates herself in all the fancy new electronic gadgets farmers are required to have nowadays and everything in between.

I'm 99% certain I would not have made it as a farmer's wife.

The jury's still out on Lilah's desires to farm!

In her defence, she does have a love for animals. She's very very caring and gentle and loving. I know by times that Na can see Sally-the-dog far enough, but Lilah, she absolutely adores that dog and I'm pretty sure the feelings are mutual. She also thinks Tyson-the-horse is pretty amazing and every single morning she was bound and determined to find and see the sheep.

You just never know, if we got her out of the big city a bit more often, there's a possability she could be a farm girl. Although I'm quite certain she'd need to ditch the white coat and the regular "Ewww. What's that smell?"


  1. Ireland looks so beautiful! Somehow, I didn't think it snowed there that much!

  2. Look how small she is compared to Tyson the horse!!! Pictures are beautiful!

