Tuesday, May 11, 2010

beautiful lilac


I took these pictures yesterday evening after supper. Lilah and I went out for a walk and we found this lonesome Lilac lying on the ground. She picked it up and we brought it home.

I love Lilacs. I love the flower, I love the colour and I love the scent. In fact, I think I'm going to plant one in our little back garden this year. That's how much I love them. I also love that the name is so similiar to my Lilah girls!

And might I, the most biased mother in the world, add that my daughter has the most beautiful eyelashes. Sometimes they aren't so evident because they mostly disappear when she opens her eyes, but when she is looking down you can see just how long and beautiful they are. These photos really show them off.





  1. I love lilac's too. I haven't seen any in bloom here yet! Hmmmm, maybe I should plant some too... I think it would be very meaningful for you to have them, since it is related to her name.

  2. Lilac's are one of my favourites as well! Lilah is as pretty as a lilac:) She does have a amazing eyelashes!
