Friday, October 17, 2008

choice gleanings - today's reading

We didn't get the much anticipated letter seeking confirmation today - maybe next week. It's not a good subject to mention at the moment, lots of emotions. This reading was on the choice gleanings calendar website today though and it certainly helped. The amazing thing is that our Lord knows the end from the beginning, and His timing is always perfect. We just need to trust and be patient.


  1. my heart aches with yours...
    Keep trusting in the Lord.
    Praying for you.

  2. Jill, a belated Happy Thanksgiving to you. Here's a "red thread" for you that I hope will sustain you as you continue this very emotional wait for travel approval to go to Lilah...

    Two years ago, on October 13, I was in China and visited Yangdong. I was able to take photos of 3 little girls who's families were waiting for their TA's...2 of the families received TA's within days and traveled in early November; 1 received TA within a few weeks, but waited to travel (intentionally) during Christmas. You're getting closer; you know it; this IS all part of HIS plan! Hugs my friend. -Sarah

  3. Yes this is a long wait - even for the new Grandparents, but soon there will be much joy when that long awaited letter arrives.
    Thinking about you both a lot today when the verse of a hymn came to mind.

    Trust to-day, and leave to-morrow,
    Each day has enough of care;
    Therefore whatsoe'er thy burden,
    God will give thee strength to bear
    He is faithful!
    Cast on Him thine every care.

    Written by: William G. Sloan.

    If you have time read the other verses of this hymn in the BHB.

    We love you both so very much.
    Our hearts go out to you.
    Dad&Mum xxx

  4. Colin and Jill,
    I think and pray for you often. I can only imagine how hard it must be- we all are waiting anxiously with you. * Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart, wait I say wait! (Psalm 27:14).
    <3 Love Ciela
