On a whim, since it was an extra long weekend and all that, we decided to head to Montreal and visit the much talked about Biodome & Botanical Gardens.
It did not disappoint. In fact, the history of the biodome is rather interesting too. The building was originally constructed for the 1976 Olympic Games. The biodome part was excellent... you walk through replicas of four ecosystems found in America. There were penguins, puffins, mammals from the ocean, beavers, lynx, etc. The biodome was fun, but I don't think it even remotely compared to the most amazing botanical gardens. And as chance would have it, there are Chinese gardens within the Botanical Gardens. It was absolutely beautiful. Stunning really.
I will let my pictures do the talking, since I was fortunate to capture some of the beauty.
[ pictures above were taken in the biodome ]
[ pictures below were taken in the botanical gardens]
Those gardens are amazing!