Thursday, August 25, 2011



Each year I have gotten some pictures of Lilah with the field of sunflowers at the Experimental Farm in the city.

However, unfortunately I kinda forgot about the sunflowers this summer. Well that's until I was standing in the local grocery store and noticed the big buckets of fresh Sunflowers on sale - it dawned on me that the sunflowers were probably blooming. Well, blooming there were, probably 2 weeks ago, but this week their heads were saging and I about missed their glory days, other than the odd few that were still hanging in there.

Thankfully I still managed to get a few pictures...even though my moving target wasn't interested in pictures. Like myself, I think she was feeling a bit hot under the blistering hot sun.

sunflowers sunflowers sunflowers


  1. oh but she is a beautiful little "sunflower" Glad you got a couple shots....I love sunflowers pretty;)

  2. Great shots! The sunflowers still look bright and pretty...much like that sweet daughter of yours. Can you believe our girls have been with us long enough for these little yearly traditions?!

    Gin =)

  3. Oh, you've inspired me to go and check the field I know of! For some reason I was thinking they bloomed later - but I must!be!wrong!
