Welcome to the "Rainbow Flower Shop" - name courtesy of Lilah!
Yesterday we went out on a mission to the dollar store in the hopes of finding a bunch of beautiful tacky plastic flowers! The girls were so excited with the idea of a shop and Lilah helped me wrap the cardboard boxes, write out and decorate the signs and set up the shop. It turned out so bright and colourful, just as we envisioned it.
But then we realized we didn't have a cash register and tell me, what shop does not have a cash register?
Actually, with this flower shop, one of my hopes was to work on a little math! Yikes, totally not my strong suit, but thankfully at this age it's all pretty basic! So today we went for a walk to a store not too far from our place and found a sweet little cash register. What child does not love a cash register? I specifically remember daydreaming about a cash register as a child. So, now we have the perfect little cash register. And with the elimination of the Canadian penny, it now means we have plenty of those kicking around our house, so I figured it would be the perfect way to work on some simple addition and subtraction, just by using the pennies! So much fun!
Oh, and I just love listening to the girls imaginations running wild as they role play in their new flower shop venture!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
riding her bike - without training wheels!
I am such a proud Mama this evening.
My Lilah girl, a couple of weeks ago, told us that she wanted us to take the training wheel off her bike. So I found a wrench in the shed, and I did just that. Phebe was rather perturbed about the whole situation, asking me over and over again: "Why break it, Mama?"
Unfortunately we only got out once, to practice without the training wheels. Lilah is a very cautious child, but she is also very determined. When she puts her mind to something, she won't let anything get in her way! I love that about her.
So anyway, a friend mentioned that his girls scooted a lot and it really helped with their balance which is so necessary for bike riding. So I pulled out the scooter on Monday, and every day this week she has scooted to and from school on her scooter. By Friday, her scooting skills were impeccable, where she could even scoot with both her feet on the scooter and use the back break (over the wheel) with the heel of her foot!
She was soooooo proud of herself.
This afternoon, Baba got her bike out again and took her to the park and guess what? Yes...she just took off biking down the little path to the park, all on her own. You can imagine the glow on her face. And ours. She literally hasn't stopped riding (and glowing) since.
So so so proud of you Lilah Grace. You can do ANYTHING you want, when you put your mind to it! Well done!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
she says and she asks!
"What’s that thing called that holds your pee in your body?"
"When I grow up I want to be a parent. It's going to be hard, but I think I can do it!"
"Mom, that watermelon toothpaste tastes delicious. I was supposing it might be red, but it's green!"
Looking up at the moon one night, Lilah asked: "Mom, do the astronauts take a slice off the moon every single night?"
"Mama, you know what? Phebe has a sharing heart AND a heart condition!"
"Mom, what's a pep talk?"
me: "It's a beautiful day today."
lilah: "How do you know?"
me: "Well the sky is blue and the sun is shining."
lilah: "What, you made up your own forecast?" "Phebe was really cute in China, I miss those days!" me: "Lilah isn't that stuffy the same as yours?"
lilah: "Yes, it's the copy of it!" "Mom, white is not even a colour, it's blank!" lilah: "Mom, I'm glad you let me wear a pink shirt today, because today is no bulldozing day."
me: "Huh? I think you mean bullying?"
lilah: "Oh yes, that's it!"
lilah: "How do you know?"
me: "Well the sky is blue and the sun is shining."
lilah: "What, you made up your own forecast?" "Phebe was really cute in China, I miss those days!" me: "Lilah isn't that stuffy the same as yours?"
lilah: "Yes, it's the copy of it!" "Mom, white is not even a colour, it's blank!" lilah: "Mom, I'm glad you let me wear a pink shirt today, because today is no bulldozing day."
me: "Huh? I think you mean bullying?"
lilah: "Oh yes, that's it!"

she says
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
tonights little chat
lilah: "Mom, how does a woman get pregnant?"
me: "Well Lilah, a man and a woman really love each other a lot and the baby grows in her belly."
lilah: "Well then, how come you couldn't have a baby in your belly? ...because you love Baba a lot."
me: *pause* (did she just seriously ask me that?!) "Well Lilah, God had a very special plan for me. He told me 'No' to a baby in my belly and he told me 'Yes', to a little baby girl in China. He knew your birth Mama wouldn't be able to keep you and look after you, so He chose me to be your Mama. Lilah, you weren't in my belly, God put you in my heart instead."
lilah: "I really want to be a Mom when I grow up."
me: "Well Lilah, a man and a woman really love each other a lot and the baby grows in her belly."
lilah: "Well then, how come you couldn't have a baby in your belly? ...because you love Baba a lot."
me: *pause* (did she just seriously ask me that?!) "Well Lilah, God had a very special plan for me. He told me 'No' to a baby in my belly and he told me 'Yes', to a little baby girl in China. He knew your birth Mama wouldn't be able to keep you and look after you, so He chose me to be your Mama. Lilah, you weren't in my belly, God put you in my heart instead."
lilah: "I really want to be a Mom when I grow up."
china on my mind,
she says
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
the arboretum
It's finally Spring again!
I love the change in seasons... imagine there was just one season, how boring would that be? There is just something wonderful about the Spring season and the new life it produces. It makes me so glad and thankful.
This morning we took a little stroll through the Arboretum. Ahh, we didn't even need our coats and the girls had so much fun - climbing trees, hanging from trees, sitting on branches of trees, making camp fires... there is something so wonderful about a child's imagination. It made us all smile with glee.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
all dressed up...
My girls, dressed in their Sunday best, all ready to head out to Church this morning!
I've been meaning to take a few pictures of the girls in their Apron Dresses - by Handmaiden Canada for quite a while now. And also their Pixie Hats, that were handknit by my Mum, to match the dresses. I found the knitting pattern for the hats on Etsy and my Mum, who loves all things crafty, bought the pattern and did an amazing job on not only knitting them, but also choosing the yarn colour to match the dresses, especially considering she'd only seen the dresses in a photo.
These hats were part of the girls Christmas gift and I'm only getting around to taking pictures now. Yikes!
Seriously though - these two little pixies are so sweet!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
the deep questions
I adore my Lilah girl. She's a deep thinker and I have to be on my toes when she comes out with her deep questions. Most of the deep questions are related to God, Eternity and Adoption.
Since Phebe's arrival, we've been getting a lot more questions (from strangers) while out and about on our daily travels. Obviously our racial differences beg people to ask about either the girls father's race or if the girls are adopted. So I recently asked Lilah what she'd like me to tell people when they ask us about her and Phebe. She's at an age where I want to include her and I want her opinion on either, a) if she wants me to talk about it and b) if so, what I should say. So we had a discussion on the subject and the reason why people ask these questions. She told me she's okay with me telling them she's from China and she joined our family through adoption. I also get asked a fair bit, if the girls are sisters and I usually just say "They are now" - it seems to satisfy their curiosity.
Just a few days ago Lilah quizzed me on the function of her belly button and we got into a deep discussion about babies in their Mama's belly and all the ins and outs of that. When we'd finished our discussion and how she was in her birth Mama's belly and being fed by her, she said to me: "I wish I was in your belly. I wish I was being fed by you." Sometimes I just feel so unprepared for my deep thinker. I pray for help and wisdom. And there is not a day goes by that I don't thank God for this beautiful girl of mine.
Today, while singing 'The Lord is my Rock', in the car, she asked me: "Is God really our rock?" So I explained to her that a rock is solid, it doesn't move, it's strong and you can depend on it - so it's like the Lord, He's our rock and we can trust and depend on Him. She seemed satisfied with the answer and added... "Yes, and we love the Lord, because He died to take our sins away."
china on my mind,
she says
Saturday, April 13, 2013
referral anniversary - five years ago today
Every time I blink, time just seems to disappear.
Wow. It's been five years since the day we got the call. FIVE YEARS! How on earth did that happen? In another month I will have a 6 year old. SIX YEARS OLD! How on earth did that happen?
It is scary how life just seems to pass by all too quickly. Our little girl is turning out to be the most inquisitive and intelligent big girl. I'm so proud of her in so many ways.
You are one of the greatest gifts God ever gave me, Lilah Grace. But then again you know that. Just a couple of nights ago, in your bedtime prayer, you thanked God for Mama's greatest joys and blessings in life. You even told God them in the exact order I'd told you...
1) For saving Mama when she was 15 years old.
2) The day she married Baba.
3) For giving her precious Lilah.
4) For giving her precious Phebe. For 5 years Lilah, I've thanked God for you every single day.
2) The day she married Baba.
3) For giving her precious Lilah.
4) For giving her precious Phebe. For 5 years Lilah, I've thanked God for you every single day.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
new glasses
It's been a couple of weeks since she got her new glasses. Can you believe she chose pink? I know, me neither! (I'm so thrilled!)
It's funny, because she has always been so proud of the fact that she doesn't liked pink or princesses!
She told me recently she likes pink now. Actually, one of the main reasons she likes pink now, is because, in her own words: "When you wear a pink shirt, it means 'No Bullying!'. I was very impressed that she would choose to like pink because of the 'no bullying' message.
So sweet and sensitive, that's my Lilah girl.
mini mommy
Lilah loves to 'Mini Mommy' Phebe a lot of the time. And for the most case, Phebe is quite happy being babied.
Yesterday morning Lilah asked me if she could help Phebe with the morning (after breakfast) bathtime routine... which meant I got to photograph it! Actually, I told Lilah I would take pictures so we could show Phebe them, when she is older, just so she realizes what a loving helpful big sister she had!
I also adore this quote from Lilah - she told me this last week: "When I grow up I want to be a parent. It's going to be hard, but I think I can do it!"
I'm just glad she realizes a parents job is not always an easy one!
big sister,
she says,
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
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