Sunday, March 31, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
"Mama, thanks for all the Christmas toys. I'm lucky and I'm going to learn from you guys!"
"I'm so in a rush to read this book because it's got a fabulous ending!"
Part of Lilah's prayer one night: "I love you God, but you probably already know that, because I talk to you every night. And the Mama I came out of too." (She meant her birth Mama, however we'd just had a chat about childbirth, so that's why she said it that way!)
me: "Lilah, will you get a tablet and put it into the dishwasher please?"
lilah: "Aye Aye Captain Mama!" "Do you remember Phebe in China, Mama? She was SO cute! I miss those old days!" "Mama, I'm having a baby... he's going to be hatching soon!" "Mom, doesn't Phebe have cute arbres? Oops, I mean eyebrows!" (Arbre is the French word for tree, but the sound of it is pretty close to eyebrow!) Lilah explained to me her Sunday School lesson after Church one Sunday, it was regarding the last supper (before the Lord Jesus died).
me: "Do you think the Lord Jesus knew He was going to die?"
lilah: "DEFINITELY!" (she exclaimed) "The Lord Jesus knows everything!" During one of our night time chats Lilah asked me about childbirth and how it all happens... after I explained it to her she exclaimed: "That's why I'm never going to have a baby! I'm adopting, like you!" Right now one of Lilah's favourite songs on the CD in our car is "Psalm 18:1&2". Part of the song goes like this: "The Lord is my Rock, in whom I, take refuge". Whatever way the (kids on the CD) sing the words "whom I", Lilah thinks they're actually singing "Hunan"! I hadn't noticed she wasn't singing it correct, until she asked me one day: "Did you know those kids are singing about Phebe's country?!" (She means Hunan Province, of course!)
lilah: "Aye Aye Captain Mama!" "Do you remember Phebe in China, Mama? She was SO cute! I miss those old days!" "Mama, I'm having a baby... he's going to be hatching soon!" "Mom, doesn't Phebe have cute arbres? Oops, I mean eyebrows!" (Arbre is the French word for tree, but the sound of it is pretty close to eyebrow!) Lilah explained to me her Sunday School lesson after Church one Sunday, it was regarding the last supper (before the Lord Jesus died).
me: "Do you think the Lord Jesus knew He was going to die?"
lilah: "DEFINITELY!" (she exclaimed) "The Lord Jesus knows everything!" During one of our night time chats Lilah asked me about childbirth and how it all happens... after I explained it to her she exclaimed: "That's why I'm never going to have a baby! I'm adopting, like you!" Right now one of Lilah's favourite songs on the CD in our car is "Psalm 18:1&2". Part of the song goes like this: "The Lord is my Rock, in whom I, take refuge". Whatever way the (kids on the CD) sing the words "whom I", Lilah thinks they're actually singing "Hunan"! I hadn't noticed she wasn't singing it correct, until she asked me one day: "Did you know those kids are singing about Phebe's country?!" (She means Hunan Province, of course!)
Friday, March 22, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
ophthalmology appointment
Last Monday Lilah had an appointment with the Ophthalmologist at CHEO. Our amazing Ophthalmologist took a look at her eyes and was very pleased. Lilah then got (the dreaded!) eye drops, poor girl has to get double the dose, because her eyes are so dark. She is such a brave girl! Half an hour later, after her pupils dilated, the Dr checked her eyes again and did the required eye tests. It all ended with her getting a slightly stronger perscription in one eye, for her astigmatism. The Dr said Lilah was seeing the best she has ever seen, so I'm really happy about that.
Oh, other thing the Dr mentioned, is that the optic cup in one of her eyes is larger than normal. She said she would keep checking it to make sure there is no further development. I guess she could be at risk of Glaucoma, however the Dr did say that this disease is not common in children.
Because of the different prescription, guess what? Yes, of course, we had to go shopping for new frames! So yesterday, she and I went out glasses shopping. Lilah knew she wanted to keep the frames of her original (favourite) blue glasses, so we brought them along so they could change the lenses in them. Lilah was pretty set on finding a pair of red frames, but three stores later and we were beginning to realize that they were very hard to come by. In the third store she found the identical frame as her blue (and green on the inside) glasses, only this frame was purple (and red on the inside) - she started jumping up and down shouting: "I want these, I want these, I want these!"
So that's what we bought. They are the exact same frames as her blue ones, just different colours! It'll take a week or two for them to be fitted with her prescription and come back into the store. And while we wait, she's wearing her hardly-ever-worn, back up set of pink/lilac frames. This morning she looked in the mirror and asked me why she hardly ever wore them, because she said, "They're really nice!" Ha! Maybe we should have gotten the lenses changed in them too!
I'm sure it won't be long before you're seeing pictures of her snazzy new purple and red glasses!
Friday, March 15, 2013
march break
This past week was March Break around here. We had a fabulous week. It was busy busy busy. But today, I'm so ready for a Mom break!
We fed the birds out of our hands, we went to IKEA and the girls had fun in småland and face painting, we went to the Canadian Museum of Civilization & Children's Museum, we went to the IMAX to see 'The Last Reef', we went to McDonald's play area and we went to the swimming pool (I had the drag the girls out, they were in there for 3 hours!).
The girls were SO happy and by the time Friday rolled around, my husband was even commenting on Phebe having a brand new glow of happiness about her. I think the swimming pool did that - the girl LOVES the water, as does Lilah! It sure was a fun week.
I didn't take my camera along to document everything. However, I did bring it to the Children's Museum, since it was our first time there, definitely not our last! The children's museum has lots of different scenes and activities in different countries, kinda like Epcot at Disney World, although on a much smaller scale! On the way in, the girls were given a passport that they could stamp (themselves) at each activity and country they visited. So neat.
Lilah's favourite part was being a post mistress in the post office, she could have stayed there all day long. And Phebe, well she loved driving the bus... and getting lost! It seemed like I spent 60% of the time searching for her!
The IMAX theatre is in the same building as the museum, which is nice. The girls LOVED 'The Last Reef' show, and with the 3D effect you could even reach out and think you were touching the fish. Phebe was so intrigued! She did complain about her belly hurting a few times, I think she felt a little motion sickness - so I just put my hands over her eyes a few times to help get her grounded!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
annual sunday school treat
It was the annual Sunday School treat yesterday and my Lilah girl had 3 verses to memorize this year...
: But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son. Galatians 4:4
: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31
: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Unfortunately my video of the actual performance on stage didn't turn out that great, I think my nerves were worse than hers, because the camera shake was pretty bad! She did great!
: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31
: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Unfortunately my video of the actual performance on stage didn't turn out that great, I think my nerves were worse than hers, because the camera shake was pretty bad! She did great!

My sweet girl. Since becoming a big sister, I feel she's matured a lot in recent months.

A little bit of singing, yep, that's my girl in the chevron, holding the poster.
Saying her verses (at home).
Every morning this past week, when she woke up, she lay in bed and said them over and over in her head.
sunday school
Friday, March 1, 2013
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